Feature Espresso: Gishyita | Rwanda
Key origin info:
Producer: Small-holder farmers from the Karongi District, Western Rwanda
Region: Karongi, Rwanda
Altitude: 1800 masl
Varietals: Red Bourbon
Process: Natural
Exporter: Rwanda Trading Company | Importer: Nordic Approach
Cup profile: Syrupy body, cranberries & papaya
More about this coffee & Gishyita washing station:
This lovely coffee has been come from the Gishyita station in the Karongi district. The washing station has recently come under new ownership by a young entrepreneur Providence and it is Rain Forest Alliance certified. The Gishyita station sources coffee cherries cultivated by smallholder farmers based in the nearby hills surrounding Lake Kivu. Under new management the station has been able to increase its capacity to handle harvest and produce excellent washed as well as natural processed coffee such as this fruity lot.